Luxator Short 3mm (Directa)
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Luxator Short 3mm (Directa)

SKU: D090194
Weight: 1 lbs
Vendor: Directa Dental Group
Manufacturer part number: 506361
Price: $128.99

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Luxator® Short Periotome

The original with a shorter blade

Attains the correct working position - even with smaller hands. The shaft is 10mm shorter than on regular Luxator Periotome. Preserved bone integrity and dramatically less trauma for your patients and their dentition.  

Available in 5 blade sizes.
Autoclavable Fixus 1 case included.  

4 reasons to use Luxator® Short Periotome

1. Shorter blade
2. Atraumatic extractions
3. Maximum tactility
4. Wide range of sizes and shapes

*Prices are subject to change without notice