Retraction Cord Impregnated 100% Cotton (Sky Choice)
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Retraction Cord Impregnated 100% Cotton (Sky Choice)

Weight: 1 lbs
Vendor: Sky Choice
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Sky Cord is a knitted retraction cord, made of 100% cotton, impregnated with Aluminum Chloride Hexahydrate 1.2±0.8 mg per inch of cord.

So it is very effective in temporary gingival retraction and hemostasis of the gingival margin. Aluminum Chloride is most popularly used chemical reagents, and least irritating of all the medicaments used for impregnating retraction cords.

Epinephrine impregnated cord can cause elevation in blood pressure and tachycardia, especially if the gingival tissue is bleeding due to laceration.

Sky Cord  contains no epinephrine, if used properly, is safe in use without any side effects.

Sky cord has a ruler designed on the label letting you measure the required length. Simple and accurate

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